Post your jobs on MobiTalents and find professionals to join you company

As a company or a recruiter, you may publish your jobs on MobiTalents for free.

We accept for publishing all the positions within the Mobile GameDev industry:

  • in game development or game publishing companies;
  • in Tech companies and service providers that collaborate with gamedev companies.

The “Apply for job” button at your job posting on the MobiTalents website will redirect candidates to your job application page (on your website or somewhere else). Or MobiTalents we can collect all the applications from candidates with our interactive application form and resend them to your email.

In order to publish your jobs follow the instruction:

  1. Fill in the form below. You may add a link to your job description(s) or paste it (them) as plain text in the form. In order to add several jobs just put several descriptions of fill in several forms one by one.
  2. Don’t forget to leave your contacts. A messenger or email will be perfect. We will reach you back to confirm the posting of your jobs and if it is needed – will ask you for additional information.
  3. We will promote your job postings among the GameDev industry professionals and with the help of MobiTalents, you will get additional applicants to your talent pool and selection pipeline.

*You may contact us to find out more about the process or offer your ideas.

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